
Send your fans merch

Give customers, fans, and influencers free t-shirts, mugs, and other swag by sending them a link.

See how it works

Make the items in Printful, create a link in SwagFan, and share it.

An automatic swag giveaway machine

They choose their item, and it gets shipped to them
Connect to Printful
Connect SwagFan to your Printful account. They'll handle the creation of your items, warehousing, and shipping.
Create your link
Create a giveaway link and choose your merch items
Send links to recipients
Your fans can choose the item/size they want and enter their shipping information.
Build your contacts list
Every person who redeems free merch is stored as a contact. Add them to your mailing list, or send them other items in the future.

Sign up for our waiting list

Get updated about when we launch SwagFan to the public

Ready to get started?

Initial pricing is $99/year. Try it free for 14 days.